3D interactions

Now that we have touch interfaces and these interfaces are successful in the marketplace, why can’t we have interfaces that work with touch and proximity? Matt Hirsch has put up some of his work and it is very intriguing. He is looking at existing technologies so that manufactures could build possible gestural interfaces in the… Continue reading 3D interactions

4 alternative ways to finance

Peer-to-Peer Lending Networks Friends and Family Retirement Funds Seller Financing http://www.entrepreneur.com/money/buyingandsellingabusinessmikehandelsman/article204238.html

Listen … Damn it!

Tom Peters in his over the top energetic way points out how doctors on average listen to their patients for 18 seconds before jumping in. He scolds the managers of the world for doing so too. This makes me think of a “Friday Forum” at a company called Symmetrix. One of the muckety-mucks was on… Continue reading Listen … Damn it!

Planning is Guessing

37 Signals has an image of the back of their book online. My favorite line is “Planning is Guessing”