Research always seems to take too long and no one wants to wait. Managers ask for results or what the report is going to look like. They got the money together and got the project rolling. Now they want to see something happening. Just wait a couple more days or weeks is not going to… Continue reading Got a report? No one wants to wait. How do you keep everyone informed?
What is strategy? I hear people say it all the time but I am not sure what they mean.
Strategy always comes across as something planned by the executives. We have our strategy for the next 5 years. I wonder if we are using strategy to mean objectives and goals. I think that Ann Lantham does a good job describing the issue and definition of strategy in this Forbes article: What The Heck Is… Continue reading What is strategy? I hear people say it all the time but I am not sure what they mean.
6X cheaper to train internally than hire externally
We want our employees to learn 1% everyday. How do you get people to make the space in time to do it? Provide training or motivate self driven training … Top down or bottom up? We are looking for people to develop deeper expertise in an area or to broaden something they have. Going out… Continue reading 6X cheaper to train internally than hire externally
Starting a large project … Focus on outcomes
Every company encounters a large project that requires many people, lots of time, and a whole bunch of cash. These all create a lot of risk for the project so what should you do about it? We hear people say that they want to improve the user experience or add new features or upgrade the… Continue reading Starting a large project … Focus on outcomes
200 reasons to improve the system and not the behavior of people
I just heard this anecdote on the radio. Today cars are 200 times safer (injuries per mile) than they were. We did not try to teach Boston drivers to be better drivers. We changed the systems. The roads, the lights, the seat belts and air bags were all added and improved upon. Sandro Galea spoke… Continue reading 200 reasons to improve the system and not the behavior of people