As we start doing analysis for a project, let’s frame the approach. Many designers start by pushing for user analysis. I like to step back and take a “holistic” approach, considering the perspective of Users, Business, and Technology. Why? Users, Business, and Technology are the constraints for any solution/ design. The intersections of each are… Continue reading Analysis: How do we frame the analysis?
Tag: analysis
Analysis: Why all the questions?
Sometimes asking a question is not to get an answer. There are many reasons to ask questions during the analysis and design process. So why do I ask so many questions? To reframe and start from the beginning To challenge assumptions To challenge constraints To get someone to state the answer out loud so everyone… Continue reading Analysis: Why all the questions?
Pegasus Collaborative: Where the unicorns come to play
Oh how many times do you read that job description and wonder what kind of unicorn they are looking for? So many job descriptions and so many articles have been written on the topic: Unicorn, Shmunicorn: Be a Pegasus How To Hire The Best Designer For Your Team Stop talking about unicorn The Unicorn Designer… Continue reading Pegasus Collaborative: Where the unicorns come to play